Reimagining our common mission: ‘Tell Scotland’ now

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Alexander Forsyth


In mainstream churches, with particular reference to the Church of Scotland, this paper argues that the concept of ‘mission’ is in need of rehabilitation. It has been reduced to vague objectives and is being tainted by being linked with a programme of restructuring and church closures. The rehabilitation of the concept of ‘mission’ will be necessary as the Kirk proceeds with its task of re-negotiating the future of its ministries, its buildings, and communities. To this end, the paper re-visits the life and work of the Church of Scotland minister and evangelist Tom Allan (1916–1965), drawing out principles from both his work at parish level and with the ‘Tell Scotland’ national mission campaign. Rather than being about numerical gain or preserving institutional structures, ‘mission’ might be understood and lived out through theologically reflective, lay-empowering, and relational community engagement, creating space for new possibilities shaped by God’s grace.

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