On the Question: How Fast Does Time Pass?

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Mahmoud Jalloh



In this paper, I take up the question of "how fast does time flow?" This question is usually asked as a rejoinder to the view that time is irreducibly tensed, which is motivated by the fact that we experience the passage of time. I consider what the meaning of this question could be and provide a defence of the view that the passage of time is meaningless (due to its rate of passage being dimensionless), undercutting the motivation for a tensed view of time.

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Author Biography

Mahmoud Jalloh

Mahmoud Jalloh is a recent (May 2017) graduate of Northeastern University, with a B.S. in Physics and Philosophy. His interests range from philosophy of physics to Existentialism. Mahmoud will be starting the Philosophy PhD program at University of Southern California this coming August