The North Street Review is a peer-reviewed publication for original and innovative postgraduate scholarship in the field of art history. Founded as Inferno in 1994, and published as the St Andrews Journal of Art History and Museum Studies from 2009-2013, the North Street Review publishes essays representing the diverse approaches to all facets of art history both within the University of St. Andrews, the United Kingdom, and abroad.

Vol. 17 (2014)

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Inclusive and interdisciplinary, the Reviewencourages research from all methodological perspectives and invites contributions concerning art history across all time periods and geographical areas. Aspects of art historical research may include, but are not restricted to:

  • Painting;
  • Sculpture;
  • Architecture;
  • Photography;
  • Performance art;
  • Film art;
  • Text/Image;
  • Furniture;
  • Iconology;
  • Museum and Gallery Studies.

As the North Street Review approaches its twentieth anniversary, we hope that its broad scope and continuing historical, cultural, and theoretical outreach serves to encourage and expand diversity within postgraduate research into art history.