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Notes for contributors

All contributions and questions should be submitted to the current editors via the journal’s unimail address – encounters@st-andrews.ac.uk


Authors retain full copyright of their submitted work and are free to use it again in any way they wish without the permission of Ethnographic Encounters. However, we do require that each author signs a contract allowing for the retention of published work by Ethnographic Encounters and assuring us that the work does not include third party copyrighted materials that have not been released for publication or that are not freely available and distributable in the public domain.


Authors should take care not to infringe the privacy of individuals and should consider using pseudonyms and omitting images (replaced with short descriptions) where a person may be described or depicted in a potentially libellous way. Photographic materials will be published at the discretion of the editors in accordance with our legal guidance.


All submissions should be sent in Microsoft Word format to encounters@st-andrews.ac.uk

Authors as required to use Calibri, size 12 font. Text should be 1.5 spaced. No elaborate formatting is to be used unless it is central to the nature of the work being submitted – if for example a different font is used to indicate verbatim conversation etc.

Style Sheet for Authors

Our standards are adapted from those used by Anthropology Today. We ask that authors do their best to keep to the requirements set below – doing so will assist greatly in the editing process and help ensure that we publish in a timely and consistent manner.


British and American spellings are both acceptable, however, authors must be consistent and care should be taken to ensure that work is properly checked and proof read prior to submission.


1-20 spelt out, e.g., one, two, three etc, figures thereafter, e.g. 2,950, 630,520 etc. Avoid figures at start of sentences.


Quotes - single outer, double inner; final punctuation outside closing quote unless the quotation forms a finished sentence. E.g. As Bill said, ‘my mum always told me, “don’t talk to strangers”, and I never have.’


Avoid parentheses when possible and make every effort to avoid double parentheses: if unavoidable use [] inside ().


Citation will follow social anthropology guidelines – these can be found in your handbook. Short citations should be located in the main body of your text and long citations of more than three lines should be separated and indented.


We adopt the standards used JRAI and require that authors adhere to these. Entries in the bibliography should be organised in alphabetical order and should contain full publication details. Author’s forename may be given in full or initialised – however, your bibliography should be consistent so please only give forename of authors in full if you can do so with every entry in your bibliography. The standard format of bibliographic referencing is as follows:


Turnbull, C.M. 1983. The Mbuti Pygmies: Change and Adaptation. New York: Holt Reinhart and Wilson.

Edited Collection:

Leacock, E. & R. Lee (eds) 1982. Politics and History in Band Societies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Chapter in edited collection:

Woodburn. J.C. (1980). ‘Hunters and gatherers today and reconstruction of the past’. In: Soviet and western anthropology (ed.) E. Gellner. London: Duckworth.

Journal article:

Ballard, C. 2006. ‘Strange alliance: Pygmies in the colonial imaginary’. World Archaeology, 38, 1, 133-151.

Web pages:

Be very aware that there is a great deal of misinformation on the Internet and use materials taken from there with care and due consideration. If you do use web based materials it is important that you provide full details of the webpage address as well as the date on which the page was accessed.

Miller, J.J. 2000. The Fierce People: The wages of anthropological incorrectness. Article available electronically at: http://www.nationalreview.com/20nov00/miller112000.shtml. Accessed 22/09/2006.

The format is:

For books:

Author. Date. Title in Italics with Each Main Word Capitalised. Place of publication: Publisher.

For a Chapter in a Book:

Author. Date. ‘Chapter title with only first word and names capitalised’. In: Title in Italics with Each Main Word Capitalised (ed.) Editor. Place of publication: Publisher.

For journal articles

Author. Date. ‘Title with only first word and names capitalized’. Periodical Title, vol., no., beginning page number-last page number.

Internet based source:

As above with the addition of the url and date of access.

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word or an alternative file format that is readable and fully editable in Word. (Do not submit in PDF format).

  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is 1.5; uses a Calibri, 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.